
Selling Marketing To Your CEO
Jean Hollenbeck
President, Hollenbeck Marketing Partners

How many times have you sat in a meeting and found your CEO taking marketing advice from engineers? You put in long hours, meet impossible deadlines, and tirelessly present the company to others. You have more marketing experience than anyone else in the meeting. Yet, you often find yourself overruled.

You are not alone. This is one of the biggest problems in high-tech companies, and the single most common reason that high-tech companies fail. High-tech companies are most often founded by high-tech people who have lots of opinions about marketing, and very little actual experience. They also live, eat and breathe their product, unlike your customers, who are simply looking for a solution to a problem.

Jean Hollenbeck specializes in selling good marketing to technical people. She has developed specific techniques and processes that you can use to help your CEO understand and support good marketing. In her talk to GMA, she will discuss how to make it easy for management to say "yes" to the right approach.

Jean's high-tech research and campaign strategy firm, Hollenbeck Marketing Partners, is based in Cardiff, California. Many of you have read her informative "Marketing Way," a monthly marketing newsletter for high-tech companies. She also writes a monthly advice column for "Business of Gizmo" magazine.

Jean is cyberspace savvy, too. In fact, all communications between Jean and GMA to arrange this talk were made using the Internet's e-mail capabilities. Join us for breakfast on Sept. 13 to hear one of the area's top marketing experts.

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